Reliability Matters
Choose a Reputable HUB Manufacturer
To ensure seamless Z-Wave Performance,
(EG: Telus, Amazon, Google)
The indepemdant industy has created an impressive 3,000+ smart home devices compatible with Z-Wave, the leading protocol in home automation and security.
Z-Waves low-frequency operation ensures minimal wireless interference with
Z-Wave's mesh network allows signals to hop between devices, supporting up to 232 devices per network, including smart plugs, sensors, locks, and thermostats.
But beware: not all HUBs are created equal.
Avoid private labeled options and choose a reputable manufacturer to ensure seamless performance, reliability, and security for your smart home setup.
All Private Labled HUBS will promote their
products and limit you ability to
Freely Choose The Best Devices.
It will be literally impossible for any
Private Labled Smart HUB
To keep up and or compete with
independant brands